
X-Men 3 Visual Effects Coordination

John Bruno talks to CG Society about coordinating the visual effects on X-Men 3.

CGS: How many visual effects shots were there in the film?

JB: 900. They started with 600, but they wanted to go out with a bang on the series.

900 special effect shots created within 9-10 months!?

CGS: How did you accomplish so much so fast?

JB: You have to divide it up. If you have two companies doing 900 shots, that’s 450 each. If you have four companies, well, do the math. We ended up with 10 that had a couple hundred shots or less. Also, we divided it up smartly. Everyone managed their shots quite well and picked the right techniques, whether part model or all CG or in camera. We had the right combinations and the right people in areas they could handle. I told them in the beginning, “If you can’t do these shots, please tell us. It will help us. It won’t look bad if you took on work and have to give some back. If you can’t do it, we’ve got to know.”

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