


NOVASTRIKE is the first indie developer / self-published game on the PlayStation Network (PSN). Built and developed by my friend Kevin McCann and company over at the illustrious TikiGames.

Publishing your own game can be a really really difficult thing to do.  Just making a game and getting it published without having substantial funding is difficult in it's own right.  With the decline of innovation going on in the gaming industry and the continuation of sequel after sequel and half assed movie tie-in releases, it is important to support those indie developers!

The game is a steal for $9.99 so if you have a PSN and some cash to spare show Sony and the other publishers that we gamers like , support, and want more indie developers.

7 Deadly Sin Cups


7 Deadly Sin cups (Greed pictured). Pretty awesome.  They took the idea of the 7 deadly sins and applied them to wine glasses.  While not at all practical from an artistic standpoint they are pretty awesome.  I don't even like wine personally, but these glasses are great.

via NotCot

Releasing an Apple Product in 5 Easy Steps

Gizmodo posted a video on how to release an Apple product in 5 easy steps.  It's pretty hilarious when it's dissected this way.

1. Talk Smack.
2. Say "most" a lot.
3. Compare your product to small stuff.
4. Toss in a "boom"
5. Wait for applause.

6. Profit?

The "It's the most wonderful mouse you've ever used" line is hilarious.  The round "puck" mouse for the iMac was probably hands down the worst product Apple ever produced.  I'd rather use a Newton than have to use one of those damn mice.

Radiohead 'Nude' Created by Machines

An interesting use of old technology to make music.  I always like this sort of thing.  Someone commented on Gizmodo "Oddly enough, things like this help me maintain my faith in humanity."  I agree!  This at least makes up for 5 fecal related videos ... ok maybe 2.

via Gizmodo



A flickr gallery called Storm Troopin' is a collection of 39 photos, using Star Wars Stormtroopers toys in various settings.    Very well done.  Comments from the creators mention other galleries that inspired this collection, pretty amusing.

via Cpluv